Applying for a loan, opening a checking account, taking a second mortgage for home repairs, or applying for a credit card are all actions we might take daily. However, these or similar actions could expose us to questioning by government agents, being charged with a federal crime, or otherwise being called into federal court.
If this happens to you or to a loved one, you need an attorney with experience interpreting federal laws, working through federal court procedures, interacting with federal agents, trying federal cases when necessary, and negotiating to minimize charges or possible sentences.
From your first contact with the government, you need someone to guide you, to help you gather and preserve evidence, and to speak on your behalf. The government, banks, financial institutions, or other organizations often will work together to protect their interests and to try to prove you intentionally engaged in conduct they feel is unlawful.
You need someone experienced in reviewing business records and law enforcement reports. You need someone who can make the system as clear and understandable as possible. You need someone who understands how to tell your story to agents, prosecutors, and, if necessary, a judge or a jury.
Lee has experience doing just that. Should you find yourself charged with bank fraud, money laundering, or similar charges, contact us today and see how Lee can help.