Facing serious criminal charges can be overwhelming. However, having the right legal representation from the start can help. From the moment you become aware of the charges against you, you need someone by your side to navigate the complex legal process and to advocate for your rights.

Questions like whether to cooperate with an investigation, speak to the police, or testify before a grand jury can be daunting. In these uncertain times, you need an experienced attorney to assist you, speak on your behalf, and negotiate with the government throughout every stage of your case.

Whether charges are brought through a complaint or an indictment, Lee Harville has the experience and the skill to negotiate with prosecutors and law enforcement effectively. He can review charges and evidence promptly, challenge improper evidence gathering, and work toward getting your case dismissed or charges reduced whenever possible.

With experience trying murder charges, robbery charges, drug cases, and more, Lee can help select the right jury, challenge government witnesses, and present a compelling defense that tells your story persuasively.

Even in the event of a conviction, Lee will help you prepare for sentencing, employing sympathetic and compelling arguments that seek to minimize potential sentences. With a track record of success in both trials and negotiations, Lee Harville is prepared to stand by you from the beginning to the end of your case.

If you’re facing criminal charges, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us today to see how Lee can provide the guidance and representation you need during this challenging time.