In Louisiana, a murder conviction carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of probation, parole, or suspension of sentence. A conviction for attempted murder carries up to 50 years in jail.
Murder cases typically are well investigated and involve experienced detectives and prosecutors. They can involve confessions, identification of suspects by eyewitnesses, cell phone tracking, geolocation, extensive physical evidence collection, testimony by multiple expert witnesses, and autopsy testimony and photographs.
It is important to start preparing for a murder or attempted murder trial from the moment of arrest, even if the case will be resolved with a guilty plea to a lesser charge and sentence. It is important to prepare a cohesive theory of defense. It is important to gather evidence and witnesses and to investigate and to question the government’s evidence and witnesses as much as possible.
For these reasons, it is important to have an attorney who has defended murder or attempted murder charges. It is important to have an attorney with trial experience. It is important to have an attorney who will aggressively pursue favorable plea agreements.
Lee is an experienced trial attorney. He has defended clients charged with murder and attempted murder. If you or a loved one has been charged with murder or attempted murder, please call today to see how he can help.