The Second Amendment protects the rights of Americans to defend themselves with guns, to hunt with guns, and to collect guns. However, several federal laws restrict the rights of all or certain Americans to possess firearms and/or certain firearms or accessories. Further, several federal laws require certain disclosures or licenses when purchasing certain firearms or accessories.
If you have been convicted of a felony, even a non-violent felony committed in your youth, possessing or being around a firearm could result in federal charges. If you possess or use marijuana legally or illegally in Louisiana or in any other state, possession of a firearm may expose you to federal charges. Your answers while completing federally required forms when purchasing a firearm or certain accessories to a firearm could expose you to federal prosecution. Your possession of certain firearms or accessories could result in federal prosecution.
If you or a loved one is facing federal firearms charges, you need an attorney with experience in federal court. Lee has defended clients charged with federal gun crimes in motions to suppress evidence, in federal jury trials, and on appeal. He has helped clients with guilty pleas and has experience with the federal sentencing guidelines that can help lower potential sentences. If you or a loved one has been charged with a federal gun offense, contact us today to see how Lee could help.